Dr. Payel Banik is the leading back pain expert in Houston, and has helped thousands of women overcome their pain without the use of painkillers, injections or surgery.

But who is Dr. Payel Banik, and what is it that makes her so different from all of the doctor’s you’ve seen before who have echoed the same advice of resting, masking the problem with pills, and that you need to slow down and take it easier?

Who Is Dr. Payel Banik, And Why Does Everyone Want To See Her?

Hi, I’m Dr. Payel Banik, and I am the leading back pain and sciatica expert in Houston. Over the last two decades, I have helped countless women overcome their back pain and sciatica, so that they could get back to doing the things they love to do pain-free.

Not only does my knowledge and expertise in the area of integrative stretch therapy make me the leading back pain expert in Houston, but so does the rapport that I am able to build with my clients as I educate them on what they can do to stay fresh and active.

What Is Dr. Payel Banik’s Life Like Away From Being Houston’s Leading Back Pain Expert

Away from being the leading back pain expert in Houston, I am a family woman and like to spend time with kids in the Houston sunshine.

On top of this, I am a very active individual, and always have been! I have played most sports at as high a level as I possibly can, I love to mountain bike and run so I do understand the importance of wanting to be fit, healthy, and active.

With being so active, I have experienced several injuries over the years that have completely derailed me, because of this I also know how important recovery and healing are when you want to be fit and active.

What surprises a lot of patients that get to know me is how much I love to cook for family and friends, and just how much of an avid nature photographer I am.

Dr. Payel Banik’s Elite Level Experience Treating Back Pain and Sciatica

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Can Dr. Payel Banik Help You With Your Back Pain, Sciatica, Or Hamstring Tightness

If you have ever felt that you aren’t able to take care of your body anymore or aren’t able to function the way you want for your family, friends, or even just for yourself, then that is why I am here to help!

I have treated thousands of women over the last two decades suffering from debilitating back pain that has raised concerns and put up barriers in their lives that have stopped them from doing what they love and loving themselves.

With my expert knowledge and experience as the leading back pain expert in Houston I have helped them get back to being able to live the active lifestyle that they want to, and more importantly given them the confidence to tackle life to the fullest thanks to the science of integrative stretch therapy.

Why Does Dr. Payel Banik Specialize In Back Pain Sufferers?

As the leading back pain expert in Houston, it has become my specialty due to my track record, knowledge, and expertise when it comes to helping ease back pain in women.

Having lived an active life, both personally and with my family, I understand the importance of being able to do the things that you love and bring fulfillment to your life.

What Makes Dr. Payel Banik Different?

What makes me and the expert team that I work with at Osteopathic Healing Hands different is that we have a track record of helping people find success, and educating themselves to be able to stay fit doing the things they love.

We have seen thousands of women over the years that have seen no progression at all until they came to see the leading back pain experts in Houston!

Because I provide you with the knowledge to know what your body needs in order to recover, all the patients that come through my doors are able to get back the confidence they thought they had lost and are able to live the lifestyle that they want to live.

Speak To The Leading Back Pain Expert In Houston For Free

I know you might be nervous, and unsure whether physio is right for you. That’s why I offer two FREE ways to speak to me, and my expert team in our Houston clinic. Whether you prefer to speak to us over the telephone, or want to come into our clinic, you can get answers to your questions, get personalized advice, and learn about the safe, proven and natural treatment methods we’ve used to help many women in Houston!

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